Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Question box

If any body has any questions about riding, the horse in general, or any thing you can think of, drop it in the question box. (comment box.) Please feel free to ask your questions so nobody is confused.
forgot to say that you will find the answer in the comment box.

     Good bye!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Exclusive Post #2

Anyone who can solve this is really observant! You are looking for seven horses hidden in the picture. So far, I have found 4/7! Tell me in the comment box how many you found.
     Good luck!


     When I first saw the video, I thought I would be bored.
Take a look at these cool videos. You won't be bored!

     Ever wondered if horses can jump over cars? watch the videos to find out!!

      I did this post for the people how think riding is this:
You get on the horse and it will know what to do.  IT IS NOT LIKE THAT!! 

     You will notice that in some parts of the video, the horse will start to move sideways. This is called "running out". This happens when the horse is unsure of itself. 
     One last thing: a question. 
Q:Why is riding an Olympic sport if it is not a challenge? 
Please leave your thoughts on these videos in the comments box.

     Please watch,




Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Silly Stable Stories

     Hey guys!
Just a funny (ish) post. I will post a video, 'cause with this story, you need to see it to believe it.

     Ok, here we go...

               It all started when I found a box of sugar cubes on kitchen counter. I asked my mom if I could have them to take to the stable for horses. She said "yes". Please note that these are BROWN SUGAR sugar cubes. Ok, back to the story. At the barn there is horse named Revel*. When I walked by Revel with the sugar, he put his head over the door. Normal, I thought. He just wants treats. Than he  started to bob his head up and down. Whatever, I told my self. He's only desperate. Just than, I herd a huge "SPLAT". I turned around to find a HUGE puddle of spit in front of his stall door, and worst of all, a whole bunch more hanging from his mouth!!!!! Is that disgusting or what?!  

      That's all for now, folks!!!
                          ~Laurel =)

     *Will include a photo*

Saturday, November 13, 2010


GUESS WHAT???????????????????


     HAD THE BEST RIDE OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Future Posting...

     Soon enough there will be some videos of me riding, some videos from YouTube and other fun stuff like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



What's Happening?

Hey guys, just a quick post for now!

         Just putting it out there that there is a schooling show on December 4th! They are LOTS of fun!

See you later,


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Horse Tails...

Hey! Whoa there! You are way too close my friend. This lesson is from school horse Shady's point of view          of the lesson on nov. 6, 2010. Okay, here we go...!  (she kicks...)

     Could this warm-up possibly go any slower? I mean it's just walking in circles while some random person yanks on my mouth! Ah, yes, finally trotting. Oh, wait. Did she just pull on my mouth? Okay, back to walk. Hey! How dare you hit me with your whip!! It just keeps repeating: I get kicked to trot, so I trot. Then, they pull on my mouth, so I walk. Then they whip me!! Grrr! I HATE beginners!
     Ten minutes later, we've changed direction twice, and for three times in a row, Norman got to close! I was about to kick him when the person in middle of the ring yells at the person to find her own space in the arena. We where called to the middle of the ring while the person told the other people what to do next. I kind of zoned out until I hear "go back on the rail*." No one moved, so niether did I. Then someone came and led to the rail. About fifteen minutes later, she told every one to get off.
     As I was led to my stall, I got happier. When she finished brushing me, she took of my halter** and let me loose in my cozy stall. Then guess what?? I got a carrot!!!!! Yay!

*rail: the "track" in the arena
**halter: a nylon headstall (Shady is wearing one in the photo!)

     ~Shady                                       Shady                                      Norman                                

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's Happening??

Hi again. Guys, this is Sassy. Sassy, this my class. Oh I know. You hate them just like you hate every body else. Sassy is an 1994 bay* arabian mare. Yes she lives up to her name. She's bitten my friend arm three times in a row in the same spot exactly!! No, I don't like her and no, she doesn't like me. She can be a real pain sometimes! This photo has something rare about it, can you guess?? Post your guess on my blog and I will post the answer on yours.

  *Bay: a horse or pony that is brown and that has a black mane and tail.
 I got the photo from "wecreateriders.com"
