Friday, November 26, 2010

Exclusive Post #2

Anyone who can solve this is really observant! You are looking for seven horses hidden in the picture. So far, I have found 4/7! Tell me in the comment box how many you found.
     Good luck!


  1. I found 7/7! At least the ones that I saw looked like horses!!! I saw 3 in the clouds, 1 on the left wall in the top corner, 1 on the right side, in the "bottomish" corner and it is blue, 1 in the right side in the top corner (it is the frame of one), and of course, 1 in the middle of the photo!!! Cool post!!! Where did you find the photo? :)

  2. Congrats! I now give you bragging rights!
    I found the photo on google images when I typed in
    "horse optical illusions"
