Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's Happening??

Hi again. Guys, this is Sassy. Sassy, this my class. Oh I know. You hate them just like you hate every body else. Sassy is an 1994 bay* arabian mare. Yes she lives up to her name. She's bitten my friend arm three times in a row in the same spot exactly!! No, I don't like her and no, she doesn't like me. She can be a real pain sometimes! This photo has something rare about it, can you guess?? Post your guess on my blog and I will post the answer on yours.

  *Bay: a horse or pony that is brown and that has a black mane and tail.
 I got the photo from ""



  1. Is it the type of bridle that Sassy is wearing?

  2. Perhaps is it the fact that she is not biting anyone? :)

  3. It could be either of those or maybe it's her location?

  4. There is no bit???? I thought Sassy's bridle had a bit.

  5. Yes... I agree with Jade, and Julia... I think that it is her bridle. Nice blog! :D

  6. Okay, I'm just thinking of everything I see, so it could be the bridle, the white spot on her forehead,yup, that's it!
    (I also agree with Jade, Julia, Austyn, Chi, Tiana, etc.)

  7. Hi Laurel!
    I really like the background that you have for your blog! It goes really well with your title! That's funny that Sassy hates everybody! I wonder why... And is your friends arm okay? Do you have to ride Sassy often? I've ridden a horse a couple of times, but I'm glad I never had to ride Sassy! You must be amazing to ride Sassy and just in general!!! :D

  8. Oh! Thank-you sooo much Laurel! That was a very lovely comment for my post Laurel!!! I appreciate your input! But I believe that EVERYONE can look through the same view as me! But that my blog helps people look through it more!

  9. Thank-you sooo very much for your comment Laurel!!! And that's good that your friends arm is all right!!! At least Sassy has a good attitude about riding! And maybe, just maybe, she will change her attitude if you ride her!!! :D

  10. ... I have to say that I agree with Rana, and that it's the white spot on her forehead ... though it could also be the bridle.

  11. Hi Laurel, I'm posting a comment, like you asked (told) me to!! ha-ha!
    Anyways, my awnser isn't that good like everyone else's but here it is: maybe it's because that she isn't biting anyone? Or that if you look closely you can see that she is almost smiling? But still- I think that your background really represents your title-- at the back gate... yup! It really relates to it.


  12. I think that it's the strap on the bridle, or maybe it's the white spot, or maybe it's the fact that it's a horse, not a hamster...

  13. I don't know why but I can't find your comment. Are you sure you posted it there???????

  14. I was wondering if you could do an article about wild horses, maybe? Just a thought. Also maybe do an article on some shows or facts about horses.

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